Letters to home from Kyoto.


Lovey Dovey-ness

Today was Valentine’s Day. The best one I have had in a long time thanks to some wonderfully timed individuals. I decided to give everyone here who has helped me out since I first got here a haiku that I had written for them. They were small gifts, but they came from the heart. I also gave everyone I saw kisses all the way from the states! (Hershey Kisses, of course). My morning couldn’t have started out better. I got online and Bryan was there! And on top of that, he stayed around his computer for the three hours that I was in Japanese class so that we could have a short Valentine’s Day conversation. It was amazing. He is amazing. Best of all, he’s going to call me on my birthday, which has me really excited. This is the first Valentine’s Day in a long time that I’ve had someone to spend it with, and although I’m sad that I can’t be at home in the states with Bryan, he totally made it special. I am really lucky to have someone so supportive of me. I also got a very well timed package from my mom with some Valentine’s candy and some Munchies! (my favorite). All of my friends here just laugh: “They have food here in Japan too, you know!” But they were still jealous when I pulled out my pop tarts for lunch. It’s hard to get over the fact that grades here don’t matter as much as they do back home, but I’ve been doing relatively well, considering the adjustment period is still ongoing. I finished my homework really early tonight, so it gave me a lot of time to work on my journal, which I freely admit was getting backlogged. I am also thinking of doing some updating of my template, like having a list of things at either the top or bottom that describe some of the parts of my day that I would like to have in every blog, just for a record, like major purchases, meals, music, outings, etc. I will have to think about it and decide what things are most important and relevant to share every day.

Music of the day: bad love songs
Food: leftover vegetarian pizza
Meditation/ inspiration/ thought of the day: Every day should be a day for telling people you love them, not just today.
Top priority: Updating blog template


Blogger Ashley said...

Emily, I'm not sure that I could pull off a well written haiku everyday. I am considering possibly starting a page for poetry I've written while here. I guess I could do haikus.

5:42 PM


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